With knowing time is the most important asset we all have, you don't need to be a fan of Steve or Apple to understand you only get 24 hours a day, and how you use the 1440 minutes will determine how successful you will and can be.
If I said you could build a business, a very big business, a very big successful business by giving away free stuff would you do it? Not just any old free thing but your best ideas, the number one concept, the closely guarded secret you have then teach interested people how to do it.
This goes against the normal way of doing things. Successful leaders didn't become successful by following rules. Sir Richard Branson broke every rule in the book while creating Virgin Group because, as he said, "I never learned the rules in the first place."
By taking the time to show your customers and clients how much you care about them, before showing them how much you know, will allow you to build a stronger connection from the start. Placing you in the position of earning trust with quality content.
The question I get at this time from most people is "how do I get to do this without coming over like a sales person?" Well I have a 3 part formula which has worked and continues to work for my clients, mentoring students and mastermind members. I recommend you use this blueprint if you want higher quality health, wealth and relationships.
Warning: This works even if you're not a book author, celebrity expert, life coach, high paid consultant, seminar leader, public speaker or internet marketer:
1) Here's what I have
Don't be shy, let the people who are interested in what you have start lining up to get access in a way which is easy for them to read, listen or watch.
2) This is what it will do for you
Show them how this will take them from A to B, from where they are now to where they want to be.
3) Please do this next
What to do next is important as taking the first step in the right direction will make a huge difference to meeting goals.
In the case of using free resources to build a strong business, say you have a report or white paper in the form of a PDF document or eBook, which shows how a broke dyslexic college drop out went from homeless to creating a massive following along with a 7 figure lifestyle business.
And it outlined to you all the tips, tricks and life lessons picked up along this journey, in a way which is easy to follow and simple to copy.
Then the first thing to do would be download and read this digital book.
Now I say the last part tongue and cheek, as sharing an article or book will be the next step to connecting with your audience. Plus will allow you to stand out from the crowd and noise in this busy market place.
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