How can you understand then better? Here are three ideas for you...
1. Amazon
This is a marketplace like no other and people spend all day there buying things, complaining about things and raving about things. This is a treasure trove for a savvy entrepreneur.
Pop over to Amazon with your journal and check through the section on your industry. What books have been written? What products are being bought and what reviews are being left for those purchases? What are people saying about the product? Can you better it? Can you get an understanding about where their minds are when buying your product or service? Pay attention and you will discover a whole lot more about your customer as well as the language they use. This enables you to sound a lot like they do and when your ideal customer feels understood, they are more likely to buy from you.
2. Facebook Groups
Use graph search to look for groups in your industry. Seek out the good groups where people actually interact with each other and ask questions. Pick up on what questions show up time and time again and figure out how to use them to understand more what your ideal client wants.
Of course, get engaged and involved in the group too because you will start to be seen as an expert if you join in on the conversations and help people out with their problems and concerns.
3. Online Forums
Same as the last point except this time you are looking for an active forum in your industry. You do this by using Google search. You can put in the keyword and forum in order to start doing your research on what forums are out there and how active they are.
Before getting involved in the group, read through recent posts and see what questions are showing up in all three places mentioned in this article. This enables you to really tap into the brain of your prospects and further your understanding of them. As you get more familiar with the forum, get involved. Engage with people and support them in getting what they want. In time and also with a forum signature on every post, you will begin to get traffic to your blog posts and offers.
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